Monday, October 20, 2008

Blah Blah Bliggity Blah

So here I sit at my aging computer, wondering why I can't indent with the TAB key. I suppose that I could hit the SPACE BAR five times like a normal child, but I am not a child, nor am I normal. Now the question becomes "Why have I started this blog with nothing to blob about?"

Wait... Blob?

I guess I could answer that question in many ways, but I shall keep my words short and sweet for those with an attention span even shorter than mine: Boredom. Granted, this is not the only reason I started this blog. In fact, I have been blogging upon my multitude of Xanga pages for over 4 years and for about a year participated in the internet phenom known as Vlogging. But those pages are not important now and hopefully will not be of too much importance in the future. But while you are here [hopefully still reading and not just skimming (which is what I tend to do)], I suppose that I should reveal a bit about myself. Should I not?

My name is not that important but as long as you are reading this I figure that it would be nice to put a label upon an invisible face. You can call me Bob. Bob Wehadababyitsaboy (ten points to AT&T for that joke, which I have stretched out for much too long). Brian works too.

I am what some might consider a human being, but others might beg to differ. My hair is too long, my facial fur is uneven, and there is this itchy spot on my arm that is bugging the hell out of me. Other than that, I am not sure what else you would need to know. Feel free to guess at any information that I might've left out from the extensive autobiography which I have placed before you.

Random; yes. Crazy; kinda. Single; you betcha. And it all goes downhill from here.

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